InfraCo Africa to procure developer teams to work on its behalf
22nd Nov 2016
InfraCo Africa provides risk capital and expertise to early-stage infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa. InfraCo Africa does this by investing directly into projects and by funding teams of experienced developers. On November 21st 2016, InfraCo Africa launched its 2016/17 Developer Services Procurement to newly contract up to two experienced developer teams. Awarded contracts will allocate up to US$15 million to each successful developer team, to cover third party project costs and developer time on approved projects, over a four year period.
Experienced developer teams provide support on projects where the local project partner does not have the resource or experience to act as the lead developer. Acting on behalf of InfraCo Africa, developer teams undertake the activities necessary to originate and progress an infrastructure project from concept to ‘financeable’ investment opportunity. InfraCo Africa expects its developer teams to work on the most difficult projects in its pipeline, in the most challenging markets within Least Developed Countries, Other Low Income Countries and fragile and conflict-affected states. InfraCo Africa also expects its developer teams to have a proven track record in at least one of its three focus sectors (power, water and transport) and to be committed to maximising the developmental impact of its projects.
“People make projects happen, so we want to work with the best. Working through developer teams enables InfraCo Africa to leverage its internal resource and undertake projects in the most challenging markets, where they are needed most, and where privately funded developers would not otherwise go.”
Alex Katon, Executive Director of InfraCo Africa
InfraCo Africa is choosing to follow a procurement process based on the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation for award of a public contract, as set out within the UK Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The procurement will comprise two stages: stage 1, the Developer Services Selection Questionnaire; and stage 2, the Tender. It is anticipated that contracts will be awarded in July 2017 and work commence under the new contracts in August.
To participate in the procurement, please complete a Developer Services Selection Questionnaire before 12:00 UTC on December 22nd 2016.