24th February 2025

InfraCo Africa is amongst the first companies to comply with new global anti-bribery standards
11th Jul 2018
London, United Kingdom: InfraCo Africa is proud to announce that the company’s Anti-Bribery
Management System has been recognised as ISO 37001 compliant by Lloyd’s Register (LR). InfraCo
Africa is only the seventh company in the UK to be recognised as compliant with the stringent
Developed by 59 countries to address the global threat to sustainable development posed by bribery,
the ISO 37001 certification was published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
in 2016. ISO 37001 replaces and enhances the earlier BS 10500 certification, which InfraCo Africa has
previously obtained; recognising companies with well-implemented systems designed to prevent,
detect, report and deal with bribery across their business practices.
The certification comes after a rigorous auditing process undertaken by the world-leading
independent body, LR. The audit involved examining InfraCo Africa’s anti-bribery practices, including
reporting procedures and contracts, to ensure appropriate measures to prevent bribery have been
implemented across its business. The certification also requires our developers, project partners and
suppliers adopt and uphold robust anti-bribery standards in the work that they do with us. A number
of our partners are now working to achieve certification to ISO 37001.
“ISO 37001 is the gold standard in anti-bribery measures. Securing this recognition demonstrates InfraCo Africa’s commitment to upholding the highest international anti-bribery standards across our business and in the challenging frontier markets in which we work.” Alex Childs, General Counsel, InfraCo Africa.
The average Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (2017) score across sub-Saharan Africa is just 32/100, 11 points below the global average. The specific challenges of combating
bribery in sub-Saharan Africa make InfraCo Africa’s ISO 37001 certification all the more important. As
one of the few UK companies active in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve the status, InfraCo Africa is
leading the way in tackling the challenges posed by bribery to successful infrastructure project
development in the region.
Alongside the other companies of the Private Infrastructure Development Group, InfraCo Africa
adopts a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption in all its forms. By developing its
high-quality infrastructure projects to international anti-bribery standards, InfraCo Africa is
committed to maintaining the company’s reputation for integrity and transparency; enabling it to
engage communities and secure the private investment and working partnerships necessary to
maximise the impact of its projects.
InfraCo Africa remains committed to the ongoing monitoring of its Anti-Bribery Management System
and will undertake regular auditing to retain its ISO 37001 certification and to ensure that the company
remains well-equipped to respond to the challenges facing its projects across sub-Saharan Africa.